Dongmyeong of Goguryeo or Dongmyeongseongwang was a legendary founder of the Goguryeo Dynasty who ruled from 58 BCE to 19 BCE. His family name was Go and his personal name was Jumong.

An old and childless King of Boyeo named Haeburu went up to the mountains to pray to the gods for an heir. On his way back home, his horse stopped by a large stone and started to cry. The King got off his horse to look at the stone closer. He had one of his attendants turn over the stone where they found an infant boy of golden color and in a shape of a tree frog. The King interpreted this as a sign from the gods and took the child to raise as his heir. He named the child Geunwa or Golden Frog.

When the boy became the Crown Prince, a minister named Aranbul told the King he had a dream that the heaven would send its descendants to start a kingdom. It demanded for the kingdom of Buyeo to move to Gaseop Plain to build its new capital. The King did as he was asked and created a kingdom called Eastern Buyeo.

When Geumwa became king, he met a weeping girl by the river. He asked her why she was sweeping, and she replied, “My name is Yuhwa and I am the daughter of Hwabaek, the River God. I followed a man named Haemosu to this land, but he had abandoned me.”

Being suspicious of her story, he shut her in a room to figure out what to do with her. When the girl was alone in the room, she was chased by the sun’s ray. When the sunbeam touched her, she became pregnant. Soon, she gave birth to a large egg. The King, fearing the strange sight, threw the egg to the animals. The dogs and pigs refused to eat it, so the King threw the egg on the road. The horses and cattle avoided the egg as well. When he threw the egg into the field, the birds came and protected the egg. The King decided to break the egg himself, but the egg wouldn’t break. The King finally gave up and gave the egg back to its mother.

The mother wrapped the egg in cloth and put it in a warm place. Soon, the eggshell broke open and revealed a small boy. The infant grew to be a strong and healthy boy, who at the age of seven was able to make a bow and arrow all on his own. He became an excellent archer, so they called him Jumong.

King Geumwa had seven son who spent a great deal of time with Jumong. They became jealous of Jumong’s skills and abilities, so they tried to get rid of him. The King refused to listen to his son and kept Jumong near him. The princes were displeased with Jumong’s constant superior ability and they began to plot against his life. When his mother heard about the plot and sent Jumong away from his enemies.

Jumong was chased by his enemies to the river. He cried out to the heavens for help. Just then, the fish and turtles gathered to create a bridge for Jumong and his friends to safely cross the river. By the time Jumong’s enemies arrived, the fish and turtles dispersed and left the pursuers on shore. Along his journey Jumong encountered three wise men. With them, he decided to create this own kingdom along the Piryu River. He claimed that he was the son of the Emperor of Heaven and he received the mandate of heaven to establish his own kingdom.

Jumong expanded his territory through his great archery skills. Nearby kingdom heard of Jumong’s skills and sent envoy with gifts. With the heavenly signs, Jumong took his troops and conquered Haengin and Northern Okcheon without much effort.

The King ruled for nineteen years and died at the age of forty. He was buried at Dragon Mountain and was given a posthumous title, Sage King Dongmyeong. His son Yuri succeeded him to the throne.